The Comeback.


Hey everyone!

It's been a while since I've accepted any blogging opportunities -- almost a year to be exact, and I'm super excited to announce that I'll be getting back into it. I had a few people ask why I stopped doing it for so long.. the truth is that I needed some more time to focus on my education, career and family before getting back into this full force. But enough about that; time to put all my attention on what is happening now so here is a little update on my life while I've been away.

I spent the past year focusing on my career as a Hairstylist which led to a major move from Halifax, NS to Dubai, UAE. I absolutely love every part of my job. I will be moving forward within that career here in Dubai as well as getting back into blogging. I have already accepted, and am working, on a few oppurtunities so stay tuned.

PS// If you guys have anything you would like to see (from DIY techniques to looks to even travel aspects of my new city) feel free to let me know.

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